Eagles have a long history in Asian Cultures.
The eagle has an important role in myth not just in the west but also in the east.
We have discussed the Hindu religion's role of the eagle in the first segment.
But The eagle has been influential and significant also in all the other Asian cultures.
The dragon one of the most beloved symbols in China/Japan/Korean has Eagle claws for legs.
The eagle symbolism can be found everywhere and even a famous Kung Fu styles is called EAGLE CLAW KUNG FU and has schools across the US.

Here's a blurb about the Asian dragon:
Chinese Dragons
"The Celestial Chinese Dragon is comparable as the symbol of the Chinese race itself. Chinese around the world, proudly proclaim themselves "Lung Tik Chuan Ren" (Descendents of the Dragon). Dragons are referred to as the divine mythical creature that brings with it ultimate abundance, prosperity and good fortune."
"Many different animals contribute to the dragon's body. For instance, the dragon has the body of a snake, belly of a frog, scales of a carp, head of a camel, horns of a giant stag, the eyes of a hare, ears like a bull, a neck like an inguana, paws like a tigers, and claws like an eagle."
The Oriental Dragon Tradition
To identify the origin of an Oriental dragon, look at its claws. If it has five claws per foot it probably comes from China. Three claws means Japan. Four claws means Korea.
"Unlike the the negative energies associated with Western Dragons, most Eastern Dragons are beautiful, friendly, and wise. They are the angels of the Orient. Instead of being hated, they are loved and worshipped."
"Dragons are deeply rooted in Chinese culture. The Chinese sign for the dragon first appeared upon turtle shields as a tribal totem way back during the Yin and Shang dynasties, and was eventually emblazed on the national flag during the Qing Dynasty [1644-1911 AD]."
Ying Jow Pai (Eagle Claw Kung Fu)
The Eagle Claw system is a Northern Chinese martial arts style with an emphasis on clawed hand positions and catching and controlling the opponent.
Eagle Claw Gung Fu (Faan Tzi Ying Jow Pai) is known for its peculiar and powerful gripping techniques and for its intricate system of locks, takedowns, and pressure point strikes as well as long strikes. Eagle Claw is one of the oldest, most complete, most complex and devastating of the surviving Northern Shaolin styles. The style is said to have started in 1130, at a time of Mongolian incursions into northern China, when General Ngok Fei learned techniques from a Shaolin monk named Jow Tong. Ngok Fei adapted and taught these techniques (which he called "Elephant Style) to his army which went on to many battlefield victories. Later during the Ming Dynasty the hand techniques were combined with the Faan Tzi system by a monk, Lai Chin, thus creating the system now called Northern Eagle Claw. During the 1800's, the system was passed along to the Lau family. In the 1920's one of the top fighters in all of China was Eagle Claw master Chan Tzi Ching. One of his top students was Ng Wai Nung who went on to assist the famous Eagle Claw Grandmaster Lau Fat Mon. In the US there are many schools spread throughout the nation.
In Calligraphy there are also a lot of images of eagles.
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